Since 2019 property crime in Brisbane, specifically unlawful entries, property damage and theft of motor vehicles is significantly increasing. So much so that QLD Police are reporting an almost 80% increase in unlawful entries to homes with over 10,000 break in’s reported by home owner and more than 8,000 cars stolen in the Brisbane are in 2021.
The numbers so far in 2022:
- Unlawful Entry – more than 4700 from January to June 2022 (over 25 per day).
- Motor Vehicle Theft – more that 4800 from January to June 2022 (26 per day).
Why am I telling you this?
Because at ShieldTech Locksmiths & Security, we care about you having the right security in place, not just to protect your valuables, but your family as well, and being pro-active with securing your home won’t just reduce the risk of someone unlawfully entering your home or stealing your car, it may save you from physical harm or assault.
Photograph: Getty Images
The impact of your home being broken into or your car being stolen is more significant than you might think. Firstly there’s the trauma of having criminals going through your home and stealing your belongings, or simply having invaded your space, the place you and family are meant to feel safest, but then there’s also the potential clean up of any damage caused during the break in, not to mention the potential financial costs.
The financial cost might not be the most important, but it is very real, and it’s not just the immediate cost of repairs to your home or car, it’s insurance claims (and any resulting premium increases) as well having to organise those repairs. Even in instances where there isn’t any actual damage, most insurance companies will insist on the home being rekeyed as well as the rekey of any vehicles stolen (if you’re lucky enough for them to recovered) and those costs can run into the thousands.
How can you check the security of your property?
The best advice we can give is to conduct a “Security Check” of your home or business. At ShieldTech Locksmiths & Security we’ve developed a simple 6 point Security Checklist for you to follow to get an idea of how you could improve the security of your home or business. The checklist covers:
- Securing windows and doors.
- Locking gates.
- Securing valuables.
- Keeping spare keys secure.
- Changing Lock & rekeying the property, and
- Getting expert advice.
Follow this link for more details on each point.
Consider a security system that includes cameras and alarms as well. These are fantastic preventative measure which often times will make any potential intruder likely to avoid your property altogether.
What Now?
Get in contact with ShieldTech Locksmiths & Security for your free security consultation. We’re experts in security and we can conduct a professional review of your home or business and provide suggestions for upgrading or improving your security so that you can avoid becoming a crime statistic.
Simply head over to our contact page and call or email us with your details to arrange your free consultation, and as special bonus ShieldTech Locksmiths & Security will give you a 10% discount on any work booked with us as a result of your security consultation.
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